Saturday, March 10, 2012

Immigration problems- too many families lives are so F#$%D up.

You will never understand what it is like to live in fear of deportation unless you are married to or dating an undocumented immigrant from whatever country they may be from. A friend shared this article with some of us moms who know what life is like with an undocumented immigrant:
Illegal Immigrant Loves Wife From Across Border - ABC News

The story bring tears to my eyes... In a way I'm living a similar life that Augustin and Ana are living. Love across borders. It's not right.
It's a common misconception that an illegal alien married to a U.S. citizen is immediately granted "green card" status or citizenship. But Ana and Agustin, and thousands of couple like them, know the truth...Ana, 60, is an immigrant from El Salvador who was allowed to become a U.S. citizen because of her homeland's war-torn past. She has a son who is a legal resident in Las Vegas and another son who is an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles. Her three grandchildren were born in the United States.   Agustin, 49, is an illegal immigrant from Mexico without much money, an unattractive candidate for legal status under U.S. immigration law.  They can live together in one of the poor, violence-plagued nations that they fled decades ago, or they can live like this, divided by a man-made border, desperate for the U.S. government to bless their marriage and unite their lives once again.Agustin, 49, is an illegal immigrant from Mexico without much money, an unattractive candidate for legal status under U.S. immigration law.
There are many more families that are living this way, and the US government refuses to acknowledge us or make any changes to the law to help us.

And when you think it can't get any worse, there's the sad story about a father that was deported and was the caregiver for his wife and kids... and now he is not allowed to have his kids in Mexico with him... North Carolina CPS wants to strip him of his parental rights.You can read the full article here:

 When immigration agents deported Felipe Montes to Mexico two years ago, his three young sons were left in the care of their mentally ill, American-born mother in a small North Carolina mountain town.
Despite immigration policies that allow for the release of primary caregivers, federal authorities worked swiftly to expel Montes. Within two weeks, social workers placed the boys in foster care.
Child welfare officials are now asking a judge to strip Montes of his parental rights, reasoning it's better for the children to live with strangers in the country where they were born than with their father in Mexico. Such a ruling could clear the way for their adoption. Montes' lawyer says the father is at risk of being deemed an unfit parent solely because of his immigration status.Like thousands of deported parents whose children were taken in by the foster care system, Montes is barred from returning to visit his kids or attend court hearings on their future. He wants his boys to live with him in El Encino, a small village in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, but county officials have declined to allow it.

And the government claims that they are not looking to separate families intentionally... Bunch of BULLS@#T I say... The NC "officials" are not allowing this father to have his own children sent to him solely because he has no running water in his town. For no other reason. So if that's such a problem, then why don't they just spend the money they are wasting on putting his children in foster care and instead send the money to Mexico and help put in reliable water systems? Whatever.

This article also proves that local police do racial profiling. Police Chief Bob Lane confirmed that his officers sometimes pulled Montes solely because they recognized him. In little more than two years, court records show Montes was cited more than two dozen times for driving with an expired license, an expired registration and without insurance. That is against the Constitution, but does the government even care??? NOT AT ALL!

Based on  the second article, I am more convinced that living in the US is not better for families. Even a few of my fellow mothers that have immigrant spouses are considering moving to Canada, where immigration policies are supposedly WAY less strict than the US. My husband is thinking that maybe we should do the same as well. :o(

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