Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Daily Rambling #12- 11 Warning Signs of Depression | Yahoo! Health

11 Warning Signs of Depression | Yahoo! Health

I will give you a quick recap of this article with just the 11 signs. You will need to read this article if you want more information. :o) (just click on the above link)

1. Persistent, sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
2. Feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, or helplessness
3. Frequent crying episodes
4. Increased agitation or restlessness
5. The flip-side of #4- fatigue and decreased energy
6. Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that once were pleasurable
7. Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
8. Sleeping too much or not enough
9. Poor appetite or overeating
10. Expressing thoughts of dying or suicide
11. Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that don't ease with treatment.

I was browsing through old blog posts of mine, and found a recurring theme with my depression. That is my next project, to re-post those old blog posts. My obvious depression became apparent back in 2006, when I started blogging. Re-reading those posts made me feel strange, but I realized that in regards to my level of depression, not much has changed sadly.

I wish I had been able to continue those blogs I had before. Google is so strange- um, hello- my Facebook link is there, and I see my current status, so how can you say that you cannot prove that I am the real owner??? SMH!

ANYWAY, I saved every single blog post from the two blogs I used the most and copied them to a word document- turned into a 75 page major essay, LOL!  So starting with my next blog post I will be starting from the beginning and work my way back to now, and I will re-post them all! I hope that will give a lot of my readers a better understanding of who I am, especially for those of you who never read my old blog! And for those of you who did read it, I'm sure it will bring back many memories... :o)

I also will be making changes to my current blog- changes in layout and theme, but that will have to wait for a day that I have the ENTIRE day free!

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