Saturday, January 28, 2012

The New Healthy Me Adventure :o)

Over the past 15 years I have yo-yo'd drastically in my weight and my eating habits. That is until I had my third child, and I saw a picture and saw my weight on the scale and I said "STOP! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"

At my heaviest, I weighed 210lbs. Don't believe me?  Here's the picture that made me, and still makes me cringe:
This is me March of 2009, and my son is 6 mo old there. I weighed the same as I did 1 week before he was born back in September. Yes a whole 210lbs. :o( Not only that but I also had many health issues, as you can see on my arm. I had a form of psoriasis, that at one point had me hospitalized because of a staph infection on my leg happened as part of my struggle with psoriasis. But that's in the past now. The skin issues and the weight.

Fast forward to October 2011, and I weighed in at an amazing 142lbs!!! YES! That's a total loss of 68lbs= 10 pants sizes!! I used to wear a tight size 16, and in October I was able to fit into a comfortable size 6! It only took me almost a full 3 years!

Here's the picture that was taken of me in October 2011:
So you are wondering HOW DID SHE DO IT???

I'll tell you. I started the journey through Herbalife. I just had a cup of herbal aloe drink in the morning followed by a cup of steaming hot tea, and then a nice cookies and cream flavored shake, then had a normal lunch, and then the same aloe drink, tea and shake for dinner. Using that plan, I lost a total of 30lbs in 8months. Then I went to Mexico for 2 years. There I actually ate more food, but I was also more active. I took up running, which my husband could not believe his eyes. I also started to attend Zumba classes. My husband challenged me one day to do 20 sit-ups and I surprised him by doing a total of 50!! My eating habits were also changed during that time. Unfortunately, I did not have the financial ability to continue to order the Herbalife products while I was in Mexico. But that didn't matter, because all the nutrition advise I received during those 8 months of consumption is something that I can take with me for life.

So in late October, I moved up a state, got severely depressed, and resorted to comfort foods like coffee heavily loaded with flavored creamer, cinnamon rolls, danishes, cookies, brownies, mac and cheese, sodas, etc... you name it I ate it. I gained 18lbs between the end of October to the beginning of December from all that lovely food and lack of exercise. I decided to try out the gym down the street from me. I did a few free classes of Zumba and yoga, loved them and decided to get a membership. Official weigh in was December 12 and I was 160lbs.  So two months after getting back from Mexico I had gained 18lbs. At least I was still in a comfortable size 10 pants. I was right where I was before I got pregnant for the third time. Which was fine with me. However, I needed to make a change in my lifestyle or I would quickly go back to my former weight, which I DID NOT WANT!  So I started going to the gym no less than 3 days a week.

So far, my weight has not changed, but I have started to notice a difference in my muscle tone and profile views. :o)  I will go in and weigh myself on Monday before my workout and see where I am.

My workout routine goes as follows: minimum 15 minutes on the elliptical. Then leg extension @ 30lbs- 12 reps then 15 reps. I actually started out at 20lbs and just added another 10lbs this past week. Then I do the chest press @ 40lbs- 12 reps then 15 reps. Next is the back row @ 40lbs- 15 reps then 15 again. Then I move to a funny looking machine called the Gravitron. This machine works on upper body, and is basically pull-ups based on weight. So I do three different hand positions. I started out doing only about 6-8 reps per hand position, and I am now able to do 12, 12, then 10 (each in one position), so instead of only being able to do 18-24 reps total I can now do 42!! I doubled the number!!! :o)  It feels soooooo good. Here's a picture I had taken of me while I was working on that machine (I'm using the second hand position):

I do that routine 3 days if I can, but lately have only been doing them one or two times a week. I also have been going to a few classes. Monday is a one hour Cardio Pump class, and we work the entire body with step aerobics and weights, then on Tuesday I do a full hour of Zumba. Thursday is 30 minutes of Zumba followed by 30 minutes of core training, and I stay for an hour of Yoga as well. Saturday, if I can wake up in time there is a 30 minute Zumba class followed by 30 minutes of Yoga.

So that is what I am doing right now to change my life around and get healthier. I am starting to work on my diet aspect, because that is just as important to my heath as the exercise is. I will try and keep track of things as I go through this adventure. Accountability is key, and I don't want to get off track ever again! ;o)

A few great online programs to put a little extra in your pockets

I've done a lot of research and found a few great programs that can help you get some extra cash in your pockets. I'd love you to join me! :o)

First is a small investment with long reaching benefits if you really want it to. Sign up for free, and if you join the main money making activity, you will even be given a free $10 to start with, which will be taken out of your total earnings when you cash out, which is totally worth it!!  This program is called JSS Tripler, and is part of a larger program called Just Been Paid. It's a bit complex, so I'm still learning all I can about how it works, but there is some great material available to you as well for being a member! Great brain boosting info!  With the $10 position in JSS Tripler, you can earn 2% per day, you can compound daily, you don't have to sponsor anyone, but you do get a referral bonus of 10% on the first level and 5% on the second level, plus you have daily withdrawal capability!   I started on 1/14, and after the first 15 days I now have a total of $3 in my account, and very soon I will be funding a few more $10 positions to earn more!! To sign up for this please go to: Just Been Paid/ JSS Tripler

In order for you to be able to fund your JSS account, you will need to open a Solid Trust Pay account. STP is a global payment processor, which also gives you a 1% commission on all fees paid on 2 levels of people you refer to use STP.. that's the fees they charge like a bank fee for transfers and withdrawals, etc... No other bank give you a referral commission!! If you think you will be a high roller and have large amounts of money going in and out, then you will need to verify your account by sending in documents to prove your identity, but other wise you may just verify with your credit or bank debit card. Very easy to handle. To sign up, go to: Solid Trust Pay

The other program runs as a business, and has some pretty great products available as well. I'm talking about the Power of 31. A simple $31 investment purchase of two luxury wax melts, and you are now an associate. bring 3 people in to join you and have them purchase their Gratitude package, and you now have the power to earn some amazing income. The luxury wax melts are wonderful. I received the big apple scented ones. I currently have 2 of 3 first downline positions filled. :o) Take a free tour of the website and if you see the potential I saw, the please sign up!!   Power of 31- Gratitude, Prosperity, and Abundance

So for now, I am only actively promoting these two  programs. There is one more, and it looks very promising since it has been active since 2004, but I have not yet actually signed up for it. When I do and see some positive results, I will definitely post my referral link here!!

Until then, Happy Reading and may you be as successful as you want to be!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012


This is absolutely disgusting.... "anti-american" my ass...  Any more of this racist bullshit from Arizona and I think they will find themselves very lonely. Do you honestly believe that a quesadilla is "anti-american"?  That means then Taco Bell will go out of business in Arizona for selling tacos. Um HELLO STUPID PEOPLE IN ARIZONA!!!! YOU ARE CURRENTLY LIVING ON LANDS THAT SHOULD BELONG TO MEXICO! AND THE NATIVE AMERICANS WERE KICKED OUT OF THEIR LAND SO YOU COULD ALLOW YOUR RACIST BUTT TO LIVE THERE.  I am embarrassed to be associated with people that can think and act that way.


by Francisco X. Alarcón

after dismantling
the Mexican-American
Studies program in its schools

and banning books
by Native America authors
and Mexican-American authors

the Tucson Unified School
District board went on to ban
Mexican food from all its schools

the board indicated that they
just want to be in compliance
with Arizona law HB 2281

Arizona Schools Superintendent
John Huppenthal and District
Attorney Tom Horne stated

in a joint press conference
that the Tucson schools had
to stop serving Mexican food

“tacos, enchiladas, guacamole
tamales, quesadillas
are really divisive

they have come under
‘reasonable suspicion’
for being anti-American—

cheese nachos are excepted;
‘burritos’ from now on will be
known as American ‘wrap-ups’”

they indicated that they are
implementing Arizona laws
SB 1070 and HB 2281

supported by the majority
of Arizona Anglo residents;
that new laws are necessary

against other “foreign” foodstuff
like the pernicious Chinese food
and the ever suspicious bagels

© Francisco X. Alarcón
January 16, 2012

Daily Ramblings #6- Yet another depression day...

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????  I know I'm depressed, but damn. How much more can I take??? This is totally killing me here. I try so damn hard to push myself out of this depression, but every little thing keeps bringing me down when I think I'm making headway.
1- the job situation. What is driving me crazy is that I can't apply for just any job becasue of my transportation issue. No car means I'm missing out on some INCREDIBLE job opps. :'(  There are three right now, and maybe one that I could feasibly do as long as I work biz hours only and monday through friday with ocassional saturdays... But I hate that I would have to let potential employers know that I am restricted to hours due to transportation.
2- my kids. I can't call them as often as I want to. And everytime I see something on tv, like families with kids doing something as a family I start to cry. Then I feel like banging my head on a table or the wall cause I don't like this feeling at all.
3- this weather doesnt' help either. When the sun is out, I'm cool. But right now we have snow. At first I was happy cause I've never lived where it snowed before, so I was taking pictures and having a blast, but then it all reverts to my missing my kids and wishing they were here with me to enjoy the snow...
4- when I start to think this way, I start to loose interest in other things like actually applying for a job or calling a few people that requested me to call them for my home biz... If those are things that will improve my life and take me out of this "depending on my dad for money and everything right now" situation, then WHY CAN'T I JUST DO IT?????   ARGH.  I end up watching tv, playing damn farmville or sorority life on FB....

What to do... what to do....I am just lost.... :o(

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daily Rambling #5: More on Depression

So to piggy back on my first post on depression, I found something that has started to work on helping me... and then I found this yahoo article, and I had to laugh because I know it's true- it's working for me right now!!!
As I was searching for some more information on current immigration stuff, I came across this site/blog:

Like I mentioned before, there is a wealth of information to be found. You just need to decide what to believe.

I would also like to take this opportunity to share a petition with you. I have become an active member of, an organization dedicated to making changes through petitions. This latest petition is based on the unfairness of these immigration laws, and is specifically geared towards the 10 year ban. Please read through carefully the arguments this lady presented who wrote the petition. If you agree with them, please take the time to sign it!! Your support means a lot to me!

New Immigration Laws??

There has been some news lately on immigration... some glimmering hope perhaps. We can only pray that this news is not a re-election bid stunt of our nations president.

Sadly, there is no indication in this article that this new change in green card policy will affect families of people already deported. And it also does not address the fact that there is a lifetime ban as well. Not many people know about that one.

There is more information to be found on immigration everywhere... you just need to decide for yourself what you want to believe.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Daily Rambling #4: My connection to Hoarding

Tonight's episode of TLC's Hoarders: Buried Alive really hit home with me. One is a lady who started hoarding when she went through a difficult divorce. The other is a mother, and a teacher, who got overwhelmed with her job and having twins to take care of.  The mother with twins reminded me of myself in a way. :o(

Quite a few years ago, I could have been labeled a hoarder. I had an addiction to shopping, like this mother has.  I collected stuff that honestly had no place in my house. My husband put up with it, which still amazes me to this day.

Hoarding is a total psychological impediment. It's a mental disease. Hoarders just cannot fathom getting rid of anything that may be of use or that has sentimental value... including sometimes garbage for the worst hoarders.

If I could find a picture of what my apartment used to look like you would have seen piles of clothes, both washed and unwashed, piles of papers, toys, plastic shopping bags;  The living room had books, toys, movies, garbage; the kitchen always had piles of unwashed dishes; the bathroom with a pile of garbage by the toilet and the sink very dirty; the bedroom is where the clothes and papers would be. My closet was full of clothes and boxes high up and some on the floor.

I remember just placing a huge blanket on my living room floor to cover the dirt particles so my infant son could learn to crawl... instead of actually vacuuming and cleaning up.  I remember one night going out to the kitchen to get a drink of water and step on something wet, then turning on the light and realizing that it was hundreds of white maggot worms crawling on my kitchen floor. *shudder*  The worst that happened to me was when I was trying to reach a box on the top shelf of my closet, standing on  a chair precariously on top of some shoes and clothing and slipping and falling and hitting my chest on the rounded point of the chair's back and then actually passing out.

Yes, my life was a complete mess to put it nicely.

As I was watching tonight's episode I realized that, yes I could have been classified as a hoarder, but I thankfully did not get to the point that most people on the show are at.  I identified with the feelings this mother had of being afraid to let go of things, that if she let go of something there would be a hole or she would upset someone who gave her that item.  My living room and bedroom were the only two rooms that were hard to walk through.  The rest of the mess was due to sheer laziness and lack of energy to actually clean.

Even after having a friend come and literally push me out of my own house to go through my bedroom mess with my sister in law, I had a tough time with actually going through the stuff that was separated and organized for me to sort through, because I refused to allow them to throw anything away with the exception of absolute garbage.  I had a train of thought that "well, at least I can see the floor now... I don't need to do anything else."  I actually will never forget that friend. Even though she has since moved back to her country of Germany, she was a special friend who I miss dearly. She knocked sense into me, even though it took a few years for it to actually hit me full in the face.

What broke my train of thought was being evicted. Yes, sadly it took an eviction for me to finally let go of years worth of stuff and that frame of mind that I HAD to keep all of that.  It took me a couple of days to pack and take things to a storage facility to keep the most important things, such as photos, books, movies, music, and some furnishings. I ended up leaving over half the stuff in the apartment as my time ran out to clear everything out.  I had no more will power. There was no way to save everything, and I did not need to save everything. Stuff was left that I probably could have used, but at that point I had decided that in the future I could purchase stuff all over again, if we had the money and space to have it.

Yes, I cried when I took a look around at my apartment for the last time, seeing all the stuff that I had to leave behind. It was the closing chapter of my old life.

Two years later, I am in a position to start all over from 0. I currently am living in a tiny 2 bedroom house with a detached garage.  What I had in the storage unit is now inside the garage, with the exception of most furniture, which my dad took to his place to try and repair some of it, as well as the kitchen table which is now inside the house I'm at, and one bed that is in the second bedroom.  Over Christmas I gave away all the baby furniture and toys and almost all the blankets and clothes that I had. I am slowly going through all the stuff in the boxes and bags that I have left. I will be getting rid of more stuff as I go. There is clothing that I had in storage that I can either sell in a garage sale or donate to a local thrift store.

I am no longer in the frame of mind that would classify me as a hoarder. Yes, I still need to work on organizational skill- my desk is a mess of papers, lol; but I am no longer scared to get rid of anything.

I think I'm doing a good job.

Take time to check out the TLC website and the page about their show:

There are links and other stuff that can help someone who you think may be a hoarder.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Daily Ramblings #3

So, today I talked on the phone with someone who I had met only a month before on Facebook. She and I connected from one of the gifting clubs I joined.

As our conversation ensued, I made a comment that my goal is to help other people, and do that without expecting anything in return, but if I did receive something I consider it a bonus.

Later on, long after our conversation had finished, the realization hit me that wanting to help others is a tall order. If you honestly sit and think about that, there is only so much one can do to help people. I'm talking about in all aspects of life, personal and financial being where the majority of people need the most help in.

I truly want to do a lot without expecting anything back. That realization is going to greatly impact what I do. I want to be a good friend and be there in spirit when needed, be there to listen, lend a hand, etc. I want to reach out to people I hardly know and become one of those friends for them. I realized that I will be emotionally drained if I do that for everyone. I hate to see people posting on Facebook how lonely they feel, how depressed they feel, how much they need a shoulder to lean on, and not be able to do something for them.

To be honest, even though I have a great business from home that truly helps other people, I promote the company because I truly believe that it will help other people; I don't expect to be financially rewarded when I promote the company. Great example: I have a good friend who was involved with another business, but was really struggling. I talked with her about mine, tried to convince her that it was way better than the other, but she just didn't want to hear it. I even tried to explain to her about how the products were helping me. LOL, she just was being a stubborn person. A year later, she quit that business and joined my company... but she didn't join in my team! Later she said that I had made an impression on her with how much I talked about the company and the products, but since I never pursued trying to get her to join my team she joined under the first person who "bugged" her about it. But she felt bad for not going back to me and asking for more information. So in a way, I helped her!

In all, I just want to help make other people's live better, anyway possible. But I can't possibly help everyone the way I want to.

And that makes me sad.  :o(

But I will trudge on. 2012 will be a great year, and I will help as many people as I possibly can!! I still will feel sad every once in a while when I come across someone that I can't help the way I want to.