Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daily Rambling #10- Spit and Rant all you want... it won't get you anywhere

Really? Is this the way to work a business, or to show people how "professional" you are??

Obviously things are not all that other's make them out to be. So much crap is happening online today that I had to post something on my Facebook page:

It has come to my attention that there are network marketers out there that constantly bash other companies or programs, and are also resorting to calling out specific names and/or programs and calling them scams or worse... Hmmm, I thought network marketing was about sharing programs with others, making some money, and finding that diamond in the rough that will make you "good" money. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems to me that it's now become a game of "I'm better than you," "I make more money that you," "YOU AND YOUR PROGRAM ARE A SCAM (because I didn't put any effort into it and made diddly squat=your program and you are a scam)"... OH and let's not forget- CASH GIFTING is the BIGGEST SCAM OUT THERE??? Um ok. I guess I'm just going to keep on dong what I've been doing. Yes, I have gotten into programs that lost me some money, but I am not calling out those admins cause I genuinely believe they tried their best to keep those programs running, DESPITE all that crap of "where's my money?" and "I thought I was getting instant gratification on this, and I didn't so you're a scam." I'm not very happy about what I'm seeing with posts of cash, posters, and screen shots of payment proofs, but I guess that's what it boils down to now, EVERYBODY wants proof, or it's instantly called a "scam." Oh, and some posts I've seen even seem deadly with people "threatening" others... Um, we are NOT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL anymore, so just knock it off! "Can't we all just.... get along?" Yup, it's easier said than done...

And now I'm seeing posts of videos "in response to..."  Oh wow!  This is downright juvenile. These people I am seeing post these things are supposed to be in their late 30's or older... UNLESS, that is a FAKE profile and they are really 3yo midgets or aliens from another planet posting secret messages about world domination or annihilation. HAHAHAHA!!!

Ok.. so with that off my chest... I would like to say one more thing. I L♥VE this email posting feature, LOL! I think I will use it more often... I can do more with it and it's a bit easier than dealing with trying to fix my font color if I decide to copy and paste.  I think I've found my motivation for posting again!! Thanks Jill... :o)
Kira Sandoval
Health and Wellness Consultant

Let me help you change your life! All I ask in return is for you to pay it forward! :o)
Join a 26 year old company that is now the youngest company to hit $1 billion in annual sales, and discover for yourself the power of Safer For Your Home products combined with true residual income. This is only the beginning! 
*EDITED TO SAY copy and pasting may still not work the way I want it to- still had to come back and fix font color and background... maybe I will have to change my overall look to the blog to avoid that in the future...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Daily Rambling #9- STILL writer's block, if that's what it is...

Never thought that I would have such a hard time with writing something.  I've always found it easy and refreshing to write what was on my mind rather than speak it... so why now, suddenly I am having a hard time???

I need to write not only that message to my possible uncle, but also some ads for my online ventures...

Plus, I know that I need to keep up to date on my postings here. See, reason tells me that blogging is a great fountain of stress relief.  My mind and fingers tell me otherwise...

As I'm writing this I'm thinking of many different things that I could blog about. I'm enjoying the posts my friend Jackie does. She blogs nightly. She is my main motivation to get back into blogging. I highly encourage you to read her blog as well! You can see her blog at jackiesramblings.com. Another awesome one I love to read is my friend Jill's... she's quirky, not afraid to speak her mind (which I LOVE, btw), and sometimes short and to the point. Check her out at http://insomnia-diarrheaofthemouth.blogspot.com/ She's got me on her page somewhere too :o)

So I was also downloading and printing some info on a diet plan I am going to try...I'll post about that a bit later.

But my main two concerns right now are still those ads and that message.     :s

Monday, February 20, 2012

Daily Rambling #8-Bad case of Writer's Block

Have you ever been stuck for words? Writer's block? Tongue tied? Mental block?

That's me right now.

I have a tough message to write and I just cannot get the words to come out right. I've been trying to form a message to send to a possible family member.

Yes, possible family member. I was adopted as a baby. I've known some information about my birth family since 2008, but nothing more that a name of my birth mother (aka bmom) and partial family particulars.

Back in November, I decided to go ahead and start a search for my bmom. I signed up at a couple adoption websites, filled out the information that I had and then submitted it, thinking that it would take months at the very least before I would find anything.  Less than 24 hours later I receive a bunch of emails with detailed information about family members that would be my aunts and uncles and grandparents. Looking carefully at everything, I discovered that as long as my information was correct, then I was given contact information for one aunt and one uncle, the older brother and one older sister of my bmom.

In doing a search on Facebook, I found someone who just may be my uncle, although since the profile is set to private, I can't be sure without sending a message, and that's where I'm stuck. How can I write a impartial message to someone who I don't know, but could be a blood relative?? Ugh. I really want to find out my family history, etc, and I want it badly... so badly I'm afraid of screwing up. :o(

I've had many suggestions on how to word my message. This is not something that there is an impartial form letter to submit, or a template I can choose from and just insert a few things to. This may be the hardest thing I have ever done.

I am just stuck for words...

Some popular Diet Programs

Chances are you have heard about some of the following diets:
South Beach
Weight Watchers
The Sonoma Diet
Jenny Craig
LA Weight Loss
Glycemic Index Diet
The Biggest Looser Diet
Raw-food Diet
Vegan Diet
The Zone
Vegetarian Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Low- Fat
Slim Fast
The Ornish diet
The LEARN diet

There are a few that I have never heard of before, so I was surprised to learn that they were very popular. I would like to hear from you if you are utilizing any of these diet programs/lifestyle's... and I say lifestyle because it really is that! I want to learn from you what works, what doesn't work, how much success you have had with it, and if you are continuing on that lifestyle path. :o) Message me and I will contact you for more information! I'm also looking for a new lifestyle change with my diet, because what I am doing now, IS NOT WORKING FOR ME!!! :s

Join me in this amazing Team Build!!! ;o)

This is a great team effort... already over 100 people signed up, and more being added daily!  The company has been around for over a year now, but this team has been around only for a few short weeks. So having that many in a short amount of time speaks volumes, and people ARE GETTING PAID!!! Join me on this amazing adventure. You will not look back and wonder "what if..." ever again! ;o)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The TRUE definition of DIET

Some back and forth between friends on a Facebook group had me asking this question- what is the REAL meaning behind the word DIET?

When you hear the word DIET, what do you think of. People eating less to loose weight, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers Diet... I'm sure at least one of those pops into your mind. I used to think the same way.

Now, the conversation I was having was about using supplements and weight loss products in your diet. Some people think that to diet is to replace every meal with a weight loss shake and tons of pills. That is SO WRONG!!!

From TheFreeDictionary.com:


  • Noun: 1. The usual food and drink of a person or animal.  2. A regulated selection of foods, as for medical reasons or cosmetic weight loss.  3. Something used, enjoyed, or provided regularly.
  • Adjective:  1. Of or relating to a food regimen designed to promote weight loss in a person or animal. 2.a. Having fewer calories.  b. sweetened with a non-caloric sugar substitute.  3. Designed to reduce or suppress the appetite.

The medical definition is: a specific allowance or selection of food, especially designed to control weight or in disorders in which certain foods are contradicted.

The word also comes from the Greek word "diaita" meaning "a way of live, mode of living"

Well, that is very interesting!! 

I now associate the word DIET with a lifestyle change. Changing my eating habits to reflect a healthier me.  And here is a great visual that helps anyone who is struggling to eat healthy:
Or you can even think about this:

The worst visual is yet to come... Have you ever actually seen what 5lbs of fat looks like? How about 20lbs??  Even if you are a little as 20lbs overweight- that's like wearing a tire around your mid section. But what does it really look like??

Imagine carrying twice that, three times that, even 10 times that... Are you really dieting correctly?? Your diet may be full of fatty foods, tons of sugar, and caffeine. Isn't it time to change that? I KNOW that no one wants to die young.

So instead of thinking of skinny, bikini-clad women, when you you hear the word DIET, you should be thinking about what is IN your daily DIET, and CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS TO A HEALTHY DIET!  Easier said than done, I know. I am still struggling with that myself. So I hope that in my struggles I can stumble upon some great tips to help myself, and help you as well!

So as a conclusion to this post I want to have you make the same pledge that I did:

A great website/blog for Immigration Supporters!

Immigration Impact is an amazing source of up to date information on immigration causes, plights, and celebrations.

The most recent post talks about how the Cato Journal has devoted to answering a single, crucial question- "Is immigration good for America?"   13 articles with 16 scholars that share a resounding "YES!" answer to that question.  View the post from Immigration Impact here. There are links to the Cato Journal there as well! ;o)

I love this website/blog. So many different articles, so much information about what is happening in the area of immigration laws in various states. If you are looking for answers to what is going on, look no further! You can find almost all of your answers on Immigration Impact!!! ;o)

Daily Rambling #7- Earthquakes

You think that you are immune to earthquakes. Well, we were proven wrong this year when there was a significant tremblor in Oklahoma, the 5.6 magnitude quake  21 miles north/northeast of Shawnee, Oklahoma, on November 5, 2011, and another 5 miles south/southwest of Mineral, Virginia on August 23, 2011, that registered 5.8. Since that date, there has been many more smaller quakes, un-detectable to the majority of people, and a few aftershocks that rattled nerves. Normally, anything larger than a 3.0 is felt by us. Occasionally some people may feel ones between 2.0 and 3.0, but that is unusual.

Of course we all remember the biggest event of the year, the 9.0 off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, that triggered the worst tsunami in history (that I am aware of) and caused a nuclear plant to crumble to the ground and leak radiation. I remember watching the news and seeing the first footage coming in of the tsunami, and wanting to cry. That earthquake was largest during the 2011 calendar year, and the largest earthquake on record since the terrifying 9.1 west of Sumatra on December 26, 2004, which also caused a devastating tsunami. I'm sure we all remember that one as well!

In doing some research, the Japanese region has seen it's share of earthquakes over the last 11 years. The second largest on record that I found happened in the Hokkaido region on September 25, 2003 and was registered as n 8.3.  In 2011, there were three major quakes of the east coast of the Honshu region; one before the devastating tremblor, a 7.3 on March 9, followed by the quake of the year, then immediately followed by a 7.9 the same day in the same region. I was unaware of those other two.

If you have a moment, and I'm sure you do, you need to watch these videos. StoryMonoroch created these two videos to show the time lapse of earth quakes worldwide and in the Japan region during 2011. They use red circles and sound effects to represent the earthquakes. The first video is a worldwide view, and focuses mainly on the area known as the Ring of Fire, which is a seismically and volcanically active region. this video focuses on all earthquakes greater than a 4.5.

This next video is the time lapse of the Japanese region. This video will shock you to see how many earthquakes greater than a 3.0 occurred around Japan, and even more off the Honshu region, where the largest quake occurred.

So far in 2012, there has been a few significant quakes. In my eyes, anything larger than a 5.0 is significant. The USGS considers anything over a 6.0 significant, as shown by this list: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthenews/2012/

In the past 7 days there has been the following 5.0 or larger quakes (all this data was taken from the USGS site at http://earthquake.usgs.gov):

  • Feb 1: 5.3- Easter Island
  • Feb 2
    • 5.0- West of Macquarie Island
    • 5.0- Off the coast of Southern Peru
    • 5.4- New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
    • 5.0- New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea
    • 5.5- New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
    • 7.1- Vanuatu
    • 5.3- Vanuatu
    • 5.0- Vanuatu
    • 5.5- Vanuatu
    • 5.2- Vanuatu
    • 5.1- Vanuatu
    • 5.1- Vanuatu
  • Feb 3
    • 6.0- Vanuatu
    • 5.4- Vanuatu
    • 5.7- Vanuatu
    • 5.1- New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
  • Feb 4
    • 5.1- Taiwan
    • 5.4- Central Mongolia
    • 5.8- Tonga
    • 5.6- Samar, Philippines
    • 5.2- Vanuatu
    • 5.1- Central Mid Atlantic Ridge
    • 5.4- Samar, Philippines
    • 5.7- Vancouver Island, Canada Region
    • 5.3- Owen Fracture Zone Region
  • Feb 5
    • 5.2- Kepulauan Kai, Indonesia
    • 6.1- Vanuatu
    • 5.0- Southern Iran
    • 5.2- Kyrgyzstan
    • 6.0- Vanuatu
    • 5.2- Minanao, Philippines
    • 5.1- Fiji
  • Feb 6
    • 6.7- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 5.6- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 6.0- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 5.8- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 5.2- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
  • Feb 7
    • 5.0- Hokkaido, Japan
    • 5.3- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 5.0- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
  • Feb 8
    • 5.2- Negros-Cebu Region, Philippines
    • 5.3- Kermadac Islands, New Zealand
    • 5.1- Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia
    • 5.6- Near the coast of Ecuador
    • 5.6- Near the west coast of the Honshu Region, Japan
    • 5.0- Offshore Chiapas, Mexico
And the most significant quakes for the first month of the year were:
  • Jan 1- 6.8 Izu Islands Region, Japan
  • Jan 9- 6.6 Santa Cruz Islands
  • Jan 10- 7.2 Off the west coast of Northern Sumatra
  • Jan 15- 6.6 South Shetland Islands
  • Jan 30- 6.3 Near the coast of Central Peru.
So you can see by the list, the majority of the quakes happen in the Pacific region, where the Ring of Fire is located, but a few scattered significant quakes happen in other parts of the world.

Will the BIG ONE hit your area any time soon??  Scientists are working on trying to predict when the next one will occur... but the BIG ONE has already hit Japan. California and the Pacific Northwest are supposedly next in line for the big one in the next 30 years. I can only pray that I have found my secure place in life where I won't be 100% affected by whatever quake is to come. I currently am living in the Pacific Northwest, and was born and raised in California. I experienced the now famous Loma Prieta quake on October 18, 1989 and the Northridge quake on January 17, 1994.  I remember reading about the 1906 quake in San Fransisco that had a magnitude of 7.8, the worst in California history,  killing around 3000 people.  I also remember hearing about a large 6.8 in the Pacific Northwest back in 2001, on February 28 centered near Nisqually, Washington, but the damage was centered in the Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia region. This same region had a terrible 7.1 quake April 13, 1949. 

Yes, both areas are due for a large quake. 

I pray that I am not in this area when the BIG ONE does hit.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two awesome Team Building programs you HAVE to give a try!

I wouldn't say they weren't great if I wasn't in them already.

The first is the Just Been Blessed community. Despite what anyone says (there are TROLLS out there that are trying to kill programs like this because that's all they have in life to do is make people miserable instead of trying it out themselves and making the money they need to be happier. I've been victimized already by a few, but that is NOT STOPPING ME because I know they are wrong), this is a wonderful community of like minded individuals who have come together to bless each other, and earn a little extra cash! This community has put together some amazing programs, and has a wonderful "follow your inviter" system that works wonderfully! You don't have to worry about recruiting into the programs, because you invite a few people and they follow you, and the people they invite follow them, etc. The community launched officially in January, but includes some programs that have been in place for a few years! And Phase 3 is an international company, so if you So if you are worried about long term stability, worry no more!  Low investment that will knock your socks off! You just need to try it before you deny it, lol! Come and check out what we have to offer. With the systems we have in place, you will soon be able to leave your J.O.B., or at least reduce your hours dramatically. Payment processors required for this team include Paypal, Solid Trust Pay, Liberty Reserve, and Alertpay.  You don't have to have all of them, just one or two depending on the program. I would say Paypal and Solid Trust Pay are the two best payment processors for this. Please go to the website at  Just Been Blessed

The other amazing team build group is Infinity Downline. With this one, we are requiring you to have a Facebook profile in order to participate, but it's a WORLDWIDE opportunity!   That is what has me stoked! The company has been around since early 2011, so has been running successfully for at least one year. This team is just getting started. If you are worried about  having problems with recruiting, you don't have to worry here either. Also a low investment that will floor you! There is a monthly fee as well, but once you see what you will earn with this, the monthly fee will be no problem. It's low enough that it is worth spending considering what you will be earning!!!  This team requires that you have Paypal, Alertpay, or Google Checkout to participate. Please go to the  Infinity Downline Team Build Capture page :o)

Like I said before I will not promote something that does not work, or does not bring in what is promised.  With both teams, you will have some amazing administrator available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Since they are both team builds, you only need to help advertise the groups to bring people in. Once you see the money coming in, you will thank me!! ;o) Better for you that I don't charge a finders fee, LOL!!!