Friday, February 15, 2013

Storytime- Immigration NEEDS to be addressed PROPERLY

Ok. I did not watch the State of the Union address... I prefer to not delve into politics. However, in light of some topics and some heated discussion over a photo I shared on Facebook a week ago, I'm going to go there.
This is the photo that sparked the whole discussion (including the caption that came with it):
Caszandra Castillo, 5, left, cries as she is held by her father, Carlos Perez, who lives in Mexico, for the first time in three years. Caszandra’s mother, Sandra Castillo passed her through the U.S.-Mexico border fence at Border Field State Park in San Diego Sunday, Jan 18, 2009 for the brief visit. The park is often used by families to communicate through the fence. #NotOneMore Stop the separation of our families!

It is important to note that this section of fence has since been closed off, and families are no longer able to utilize it for  this purpose.

I orginally shared this photo to reflect the reality of life- copied from my post: There are so many factors to this sort of situation- as many have said, its not black and white... however, America/USA is also known as "land of the free," "the melting pot," etc... what is the "american dream?" Its not a house with a white picket fence, and a family with two kids and a dog anymore... it had become convoluted and distorted..

America has changed dramatically over the last 200+ years. But what is happening right now with the immigration issue is just the same as what happened with the issue of slavery, womens rights, African-American rights, the Japanese-Americans during WW2, then the Muslim community... now its the Hispanic community. 

What is the difference? NOTHING.

Now, what is the American Dream?  It is not a house with a white picket fence and a family with two children an a dog anymore. Go ahead, ask someone tomorrow what they think the American Dream is. It will be different for everyone. I'm sure you will find, however, one common thread in everyone's version of "the dream." The ability to prosper without judgement. Is that too difficult?

I am about to embark on a journey and going to share it with everyone, telling a story about an immigrant's dreams. Now, this story may be purely fictional, but I have brought in elements of truth and things that actually did happen to people I personally know. This story will be told in a series of posts, because I will be very detailed.  I am still working on the story, but I wanted to make sure that everyone is ready to read this. Like I said, this is a fictional story, but will be raw, truthful, and contain elements of reality. Later on I will tell my family's story.

At the end, my wish is for people to reconsider thier viewpoints on immigration. I want people to realize that we are all human. As this image so nicely tells us:

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