Friday, May 28, 2021

My Personal Pandemic Story

I'm an instructional assistant in elementary school. This year I'm helping in a 5th grade classroom. The school year is almost over, shockingly. It feels like we just started, since we FINALLY came back in person on a Hybrid schedule March 15th. 

We're working on the very last writing assignment of the school year. 

Guess what the topic is...

A personal narrative about the last year dealing with Covid. 

So, I'm writing one myself, as an example for them. Cause, you know- 5th graders need examples of descriptive language such as onomotapoeia and other figurative language. 

Here's the beginning of mine:

March 13th, 2020 was a normal Friday,  or so we thought. All we knew was that a virus was getting people sick. Because of that, we were going to have an early Spring Break so the school custodians could thoroughly clean the school. At least that's what I understood. My brain was behaving like mush. We had NO idea what was coming. 

To be continued...