This one is a doozy. So strong, it woke me up at 2 am in a panic. It actually involves my ex. :'(
I dreamed that I was moving into a new house, and I turn the corner in my hallway and he (my ex) is standing right there, and I scream and slip and faint. When I wake up I'm in a locked room, and my 7 yo is just sitting on a chair playing a game on a phone. Then the ex comes in and my son gets up, runs to him to give him a hug, and they leave together, without saying a thing to me. Then the ex comes back, says something that I can't remember now, but it was something that made me start panicking... That's when I woke up for a bit (about 30-40 minutes). I went back to sleep, and the nightmare actually continued. I was able to get out of the room and run across the freeway (yea, strange) and run into a bathroom in a restaurant and call 911. I was telling the person that I had been kidnapped, my son was missing, and I was able to escape, but I couldn't tell them where I was because I was afraid that he would find me. I told them he wanted to kill me, and I was scared that he would kill all three kids. cry emoticon Then my alarm started going off and I had to get up again.
Anyone an expert in nightmares? What could this mean? It still gives me shivers, and makes me go look through my house before I go to sleep and right after I wake up, and even when I first get home from work. Not a good thing.
What nightmare have you had that has stayed with you for a long time? Was it so strong it felt like you were actually experiencing it, and NOT dreaming?