We made it.
2014 is over, let the past stay in the past.
It's now 2015. We now have 364 days to make mistakes, tumble, fall flat on our faces, and then pull ourselves up and rise like the phoenix. Or the opposite.
The point is, we have 364 days to make memories that will imact ourselves and others around us for the rest of our lives.
There are some things I want to accomplish in 2015. I'm not talking what my resolutions are, because we ALL know that NO ONE ever keeps them. Just some goals that can carry me on past just one year.
This year I want to make better food choices for not only myself, but for my entire family. Cook more, less eating out, less processed sugar, no more soda... I'll give us the first three months of this year to figure out how we are going to accomplish this together. It's not something you can start suddenly one day and that's it.
I also want to get a handle on my severe depression. I let it get the better of me in 2014, and that resulted in many heart breaking moments between myself and my kids, as well as my few friends I have here. Other things will fall into place once I can get my depression calmed down.
The last thing I want to accomplish this year is to build my Mia Bella candle business up enough that I don't have to work two jobs outside the house. I'm a single mom of three, two of whom are teenagers. I want to get to the level I was a few years ago while living in CA. Just a couple hundred extra a month.
We shall see. It all depends on how firmly I apply myself towards these goals.
What are some things YOU want to accomplish in 2015?